Shares app

🤑 Fintech

Helped the largest social investment app get more people to use them for the first time

Shares app


Shares is an app that allows non-financial experts to invest in shares in a simple way. And above all with a social component to invest with your friends.

More about Shares:

Shares app


Shares approached Spartapp with two challenges:

  1. They had a big friction in Onboarding which meant that around 25-30% of downloads did not end up becoming an activated customer.
  2. The email and push notification campaigns did not have the right metrics and the ratio of users not accepting push notifications was very high.
  3. ATT's acceptance rate among iOS users was below the industry average.

What did Spartapp do?

We focused on three fronts:

  1. We audited the current Onboarding flow and proposed an experimentation framework in which we tested onboardings differentiated according to the user's origin (Organic Vs Paid, campaign, ad group...).
  2. We altered the push notification acceptance flow throughout the onboarding, as well as ATT for iOS users.
  3. We optimized 60% of the automated and one-shot CRM campaigns they were sending. Both via in-app push notification and email.


Reduced Onboarding drop-off by 8%, which reduced Cost Per First Investment (CPA) by 10%
Increased push notification acceptance by 20%.
10% increase in ATT tracking
ARPU of users impacted via new CRM comms was 18% higher than those not impacted